7th Grade Programs and Resources

  • Organization Name:

    Bitter Root Land Trust

    Grade Levels Served:




    Scholarships Available:


    Objectives/Montana Content Standards Connected:


    Description of Program:

    Information regarding the conservation easement tool, benefits of conservation in terms of the protection of open agricultural lands, wildlife habitat, water resources and fisheries, open space for recreation (fishing, hunting, hiking, birding, etc.).

    Additional Information:

    BRLT is able to provide presentations and information to government classes regarding the Ravalli County Open Lands Bond Program, as well as the potential to partner with classes to provide locations on private, conserved lands to learn more about the conservation easement tool and land stewardship.

    Contact Information:

    Stephanie Sipe, Communications Director, stephanie@bitterrootlandtrust.org 406-375-0956

  • Organization Name:

    Bitterroot Water Partnership

    Grade Levels Served:




    Scholarships Available:


    Objectives/Montana Content Standards Connected:

    The goal of the Earth Stewardship Program is to

    •             Help students learn about our local natural resources including but not limited to water, wildlife, fisheries, land and habitat, trails and public land, forests and wildfire, agriculture and irrigation

    •             Promote lifelong stewardship practices for these natural resources

    •             Emphasize the connections between soil, water, plants, animals, and people within our local ecosystem

    •             Help foster a sense and appreciation of local place by orienting middle school students regarding locations and names of streams, rivers, mountain ranges and other standout local landscape features within the Bitterroot Watershed

    Several student learning objectives and a list of Next Generation Science Standards that are met by the program are available upon request.

    Description of Program:

    The Earth Stewardship Program brings a diversity of natural resource professionals into 7th grade classes from Darby to Lone Rock throughout the school year to teach about natural resource science, conservation, and stewardship ethics. We cover topics like watershed science, native fish biology, fire resilience, irrigation, wildlife habitats, and more. Then, these same experts gather ‘in the field’ in May as 7th graders cycle through various stations to put their skills and knowledge to work in real settings. Students may find themselves collecting and processing macroinvertebrates from the stream, mimicking the full life cycle of a native trout, or measuring stream flows.

    Additional Information:

    The Earth Stewardship Program provides classrooms with one classroom presentation each month from October to April and one field trip in May.

    Contact Information:

    Alex Ocañas, Community Engagement Coordinator

  • Program Name:

    Jack Creek Preserve offers a variety of programs!
    Youth Camps: Archery Skills Camp, Outdoor Skills Camp, Winter Outdoor Skills Camp

    Youth Conservation Education:  JCPF offers many topics for visiting school groups. We can be a destination for hosting field trips at our Outdoor Education Center
    More info on programming: Educational Programming

    Adult Workshops: Our Conservation Field School is all about teaching adults! We have many workshops for adults to connect with nature and learn about conservation. We also provide educator workshops where teachers can learn about conservation education curriculum to include in their classrooms and earn OPI credits.

    Organization Name: 

    Jack Creek Preserve Foundation

    Grade Levels Served:

    All Grade Levels and Adults/Educators


    Cost varies depending on the program. Our multi-day summer and winter camps range from $300-400. To get an estimate of field trip cost visit our rate estimator on our website. Our adult workshops range in price of $30-200 depending on the program. 

    Scholarships Available: 

    We do offer scholarships for all of our youth camps. Keeping all of our programming accessible and affordable is important to us so we do our best to work with groups or individuals.  

    Objectives/Montana Content Standards Connected:

    The variety of our programming topics and ability to serve all grade levels allows us to hit many learning objectives and Montana Core Standards. 

    Description of Program:
    Our programming is diverse! We offer topics such as: wildlife ID, wildlife management, hunting in conservation, elk ecology, water ecology, science inquiry, botany, compass and navigation, backcountry preparedness, wilderness first aid skills and much more!

    More info on programming: Educational Programming

    Additional Information:

    We can develop personalized programs that can accommodate various group sizes, durations, and topics. 

    Contact Information:

    Teachers can reach out to Jack Creek Preserve Foundation to learn more and talk with our Conservation Education Director to develop a program that fits their needs. We have an online form that initiates that process or they can reach out to: Addison Perryman, a.perryman@jackcreekpreserve.org, 406-682-3358

  • Organization Name:

    Northern Rockies Nature Journaling

    Grade Levels Served:

    Grades 3 through 12


    $60.00 per hour, costs may be lowered by bundling classes

    Scholarships Available:

    No scholarships available at this time

    Objectives/Montana Content Standards Connected:

    Northern Rockies Nature Journaling provides educational opportunities through nature journaling to people of all ages that will engage them with nature and with each other. Their experiences will lead to increased stewardship and understanding of the natural world.

    Description of Program:

    Our programs guide individuals in using their nature journal to explore nature, learn the natural history of the landscape and its inhabitants. Engaging with nature outside is most effective but our activities can be conducted indoors. 

    Additional Information:

    A budget-friendly materials list is provided upon request and typically includes a small journal, pencils, colored pencils and access to rulers.  The content and duration of our program is age-appropriate and usually does not exceed an hour.  Our instructors have many years of instruction experience and/or are certified nature journal educators. 

    Contact Information: 

    Northern Rockies Nature Journaling

    Valerie Bayer




  • Organization Name:

    Ravalli County Weed District

    Grade Levels Served:

    All ages, youth to adults


    Cost for our education services

    Scholarships Available:

    NO costs to our programs so financial assistance options are not needed

    Objectives/Montana Content Standards Connected:

    Objectives: To teach youth and adults the importance of vegetation management from natives to invasives; to educate and incorporate the proper techniques for the management; to actually preform treatments; and to offer landowner assistance so they can manage their land.   

    Description of Program:

    Ravalli County Weed District is a county office that treats noxious weeds along with free landowner education opportunities. Educating both youth and adults in classroom and outdoor settings. We offer granting and cost share programs for on the ground treatments. We offer free in person land visits and help development management plans that fit the owner’s goals, budget and values. We have a native garden we use to educate the public and we offer native plants for sale.  We also preform roadside agreements, subdivision and gravel pit inspections, weed seed free certified inspections. We offer Bio-control education and product when available.

    Additional Information:

    Ravalli County weed district has a great classroom curriculum to teach students and teachers and we come armed with all the supplies and materials needed. Usually we like to do a couple of hours in a classroom and them take the class to an outdoor location and do a half day outdoor activity like a weed pull or planting trees and natives. This program does require a bussing program to site of outdoor activity and the weed district does not have funding for that.

    Contact Information:

    Ravalli County Weed District. Mailing: P.O. Box 194 Victor Mt 59875 Physical: 121 South Tudor Street Victor Mt 59875

    Kellieann Fillingham: kfillingham@rc.mt.gov

    Sarah Holmes: sholmes@rc.mt.gov


  • Organization Name:

    Teton Raptor Center

    Grade Levels Served:




    Scholarships Available:


    Objectives/Montana Content Standards Connected:

    To encourage the use of lead-free ammunition and tackle in the field and promote the conservation ethics of our sporting communities. 

    Description of Program:

    We're an educational initiative and can gear our outreach efforts depending on the audience. For hunter education classrooms, we can do a presentation with hands-on learning tools. For classrooms or as an activity for younger students, we have a great "Raptor Relay" game where students can learn about the impacts of lead from sporting activities. For older students (high school) we have a science module that teachers can use to teach about chemistry, research, data interpretation, graph making, and scientific communications. The science modules focus on place-based problems from research done in the West.

    Additional Information:

    The Raptor Relay can be done in small groups. The science module is currently broken into 5 sections, but can be combined or expanded depending on the classroom. These are also available in Spanish.

    Contact Information:

    Hannah Leonard, hannah@sportingleadfree.org

  • Organization Name:


    Grade Levels Served:

    Any age or grade, we will gear our activities towards the age of your groups.


    The Ropes Challenge Course is $295 per 3hr session with up to 12 participants. All other activities are free! Being a small non-profit organization, donations are always welcome and greatly appreciated.

    Scholarships Available:

    We can scholarship up to 75% of the activity fee depending on the need of the organization participating. Scholarship applications can be found on our website.

    Objectives/Montana Content Standards Connected:

    Teambuilding, connection with the outdoors, Leave No Trace, outdoor & naturalist skills. We can gear activities towards what teachers are focusing on in their curriculum.

    Description of Program:

    BEAR's program leaders are available to visit local schools and community organizations as guest facilitators for teamwork building and nature-based activities. They receive yearly training in innovative, fun group facilitation techniques and can assist groups with team building and outdoor connection that will help them reach their potential and nourish their souls!

    Additional Information:

    Our participant limit is typically 12 unless discussed prior.

    Contact Information:

    Mallory Ijames / (406)209-8071 / mallory.ijames@bearmt.org

  • Organization Name:

    Montana Wetlands and Waterfowl

    Grade Levels Served:

    Any grade but we've focused on 5th - 7th for our nesting structure (henhouse) builds and high schools for the welding of the frames.


    Materials for nest building, travel, and lodging. Sometimes these costs are covered by external donations, sometimes they are covered by grants, and sometimes they are covered by project partners.

    Scholarships Available:


    Objectives/Montana Content Standards Connected:

    The main objectives of our program are to raise awareness of how important wetlands are for habitat and water quality/quantity and to show how important Montana is for waterfowl. Most importantly though, we're excited to show how cool ducks, geese, and swans are to the next generations.

    Description of Program:

    The Wild Waterfowl Workshop is a multi-part program that is continually undergoing improvements for efficiency and effectiveness. This first part is a classroom-type event with a simple background of why Montana is so important for waterfowl and why wetlands are important for waterfowl. We've done this in person and over Zoom. The second part is a nesting structure build. We usually run groups through building stations and those not building are playing Duck Jeopardy or getting some type hands on instructions (wings/taxidermied ducks/waterfowl ID). In the past we've collaborated with MT Fish, Wildlife, and Parks' Montana WILD on the non-build stations. The duck nesting structures (hen houses) are the tubes on a stand that increase duck nesting success. I believe you have some of these on your refuge. We place these in restored sites primarily along the Clark Fork River but have some in Helena and Glen too. The third part of the program is a field trip. In the past we've done huge field trip days with learning stations but we're limited by capacity at the moment. So recently, we've led smaller field trip events for adults and students where we do yearly maintenance on the hen houses or similar things.  

    Other programs:

    We're currently working with Ripple (formerly the Clark Fork Watershed Education Program) to develop a program for teachers which incorporates place-based science into their curriculums. Over the next year we (MTWW will take the lead on a migration module using snow goose GPS telemetry data from Environment and Climate Change Canada as well as a statistics module using the data from the telemetry.

    We also booth at a variety of events and have educational waterfowl-focused activities like our hands-on waterfowl wing collection, duck ID game, and coloring.

    We have also done adult outreach like waterfowl walks, mock wingbees, etc.

    Additional Information:

    When we started we did large groups but have moved away from it because of capacity and to avoid the sometimes-chaotic environment in exchange for smaller, more intimate events. Like every small non-profit we are limited by funding so we are always looking for ways to collaborate or for donation/grant opportunities. We are the only MT-based wetland and waterfowl focused conservation organization but we love collaborating with the national nonprofits like Ducks Unlimited's Green Wings and others.

    Contact Information:

    Teachers can contact myself (Mark Mariano) at mtwetlandsandwaterfowl@gmail.com.

  • Organization Name:

    Selway Bitterroot Frank Church Foundation

    Grade Levels Served:



    It's free! We can provide free classroom lessons on wilderness topics, as well as hands-on community service projects. For our free, weeklong wilderness expeditions, we even provide food, local transportation, and the necessary gear.

    Scholarships Available:


    Objectives/Montana Content Standards Connected:

    We aim for every student to walk away with an understanding of the meaning and history of Wilderness, as well as what it takes to enjoy and protect our public lands, safely and ethically.

    Description of Program:

    The Youth Wilderness Program is about connecting youth to their local Wilderness Areas. In classroom and field-based lessons, we can teach youth the meaning, history, and unique benefits of Wilderness, as well as the skills, responsibilities, and careers associated with public land recreation and management. In the summer, we offer free weeklong backpacking trips to immerse teens in the wilderness. We teach participants how to live, work, and travel in the backcountry, as well as how to perform basic trail maintenance, for which they receive community service hours.

    Additional Information:

    Classroom lessons: we can provide a 45 minute classroom lesson on the meaning and history of Wilderness, and/or Leave No Trace.

    Service days: we can lead field trips to perform basic community service work on our local public lands. We can provide the necessary tools and personal protective equipment.

    Youth wilderness expeditions: these free summer backpacking trips are 3-8 days long, and are equal parts experiential education, recreation, and volunteer stewardship work.

    Contact Information:

    Ian Harris, Youth Program Director, iharris@selwaybitterroot.org, 406-548-7243, www.selwaybitterroot.org/youth